Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 12 2008- My first Blog

I was having a conversation with a fellow co-worker at the hospital about my obsession with food blog's and she asked me why I did not blog. I wonder why. I guess I dont really have anything I thought that would be interesting to say. I kept a travel blog while I was traveling for 6 months but after that blogging my "normal" life just seemed.....well normal and boring. After a few days of reflection, I thought, why not? I am connected in the internet community in several ways and may actually have some interesting things to say and not, I will have a year of blogging to read. My 34 birthday is coming up very soon and I want to keep a year in blog form so here it goes.

My day starts out at the gym or like today running outside. I want to complete a 10K in April so I am motivated to run now. Also as I said before,I have a birthday coming up and for some reason this one, above all the rest seems big to me and I cant quite figure out why. It isn't a BIG birthday in terms of an important number and I have no life timeline in my head like some people do. I had no accomplishments I wanted to have checked off some list before my 34th birthday. Yet I have this odd feeling about it. It feels a little sad, a little overwhelming- so there must be something attached to it. My only goal for this birthday is to do a handstand on my birthday and have a picture taken of it. Handstands scare me and I have been practicing them for this important moment. Maybe that is what this birthday is about - no more fear. Just going for it even if I fall. A lot of my life has been cloaked in fear. I think it is time to shake things up. Or at least stand on my head.

Ok after waking and the gym or whatever, I get a large wide mouth mason jar and fill it with yerbe matte tea. This is the beginning of many jars of tea throughout the day and evening. All kinds of teas. My life is full of mason jars of tea.